1. Oration principle and structure
1.1 oration principle
When oil presses operating prepared material enters extruding chamber from the hopper and then moves forwards by the rotating pressing screw and is pressed. Under the high-pressure condition in the chamber ,friction between material and screw ,between material and chamber will be created ,which also creates friction and relative movement among material particles. On the other hand, root diameter of the pressing screw caries larger from one end to the other ,hence. When rotating ,it not only pushes particles moving forwards but turns them outwards as well ,meanwhile ,particles adjacent the screw will rotation along with screw’ rotating ,causing every particle inside the chamber to possess different speed. Therefore relative movement among particle creates heat which is necessary during manufacturing because of helping protein change property ,damage colloid ,increase plasticity ,decrease oil’s elasticity ,resulting in high oil productivity.
The oil press must be installed by bolts firmly on the foundation and be kept horizontal
序号 NO | 润滑部位 lubrication | 油脂种类 lubricate | 加油周期 Time span | 换油周期 Lubricate replacement period |
1 | 调节螺栓 Adjusting bolt | 20号机械油 Mechanical oil NO.20 | 每班2次 1-2time/day |
2 | 伞齿轮 Bevel gear | 20号机械油 Mechanical oil NO.20 | 每班2次 1-2time/day |
3 | 轴承座套 Bearing bush | 20号机械油 Mechanical oil NO.20 | 每班2次 1-2time/day |
4 | 齿轮箱 Gearbox | 20号机械油 Mechanical oil NO.20 | 加油12kg | 六个月 |
5 | 各滚动轴承 bearing | 润滑油 Grease |
| 每年一次 |
3. Lubrication
3.1 Oil press is lubricated by lubricating oil and grease, see table(2)
4.1 preparations before operating
4.1.1 12kg of lubricant needs to be filled into the gearbox.
4.1.2 After installing the machine, check whether lubricant has been filled in, bolts have been tightened, and handles are operable.
4.1.3 Check large pulley whether it is loose or blocked, repair it if necessary.
4.1.4 Adjust the tightness of the belt, switch on the motor and check its rotation direction.
4.1.5 Loosen the lock nut and tighten the screw to its end, then loose it for3-4circles and then tighten it again for half circle to assure the gap of the residue cake outlet.
4.2 Operating
4.2.1 Feeding must be steady and slow at the beginning to avoid blocking
4.2.2 In the case no cake is extrude outward,return back the screw for 1-2circle 。If there is still no cake is observed,machine needs to be shut down and checked ,However, in any case, operating the machine backward is absolutely prohibited normally ,cake looks like tile but not sticky ;thickness is 1-2mm ,inner side is smooth ,out side creases and no oil the surface is allowed.
Cake thickness adjustment: Rotating the adjusting handle clockwise will make the cake thicker, otherwise will make it thinner. Each circle of adjustment (by adjustment bolt left hand T 165x6)will change the thickness 0.4-0.5mm.
4.2.3 When machine is operating, oil extruding and residue outlet need be checked
Frequently .Normally, most of oil will flow outward from square rods and several front round plates. Broken cake residue indicates the material is too dry; steam emerging from the cake residue indicates that it is too wet; In any case, water content in the raw material must be adjusted from time to time.
Slag slice emerging indicates too much water content and power-like slag low water content .Loose round plates will cause too much slag flowing outwards. However, adequate water content will cause slag flowing outwards from square rods; little slag from round plates is allowed. In a word, water content affects oil output rate, it needs adjusting properly.
(三)停机: Stopping
1.正常停机应将料胚全部榨弯,反复将榨螺退进数次,将榨膛中语料 走完,将出饼放至最后,然后停车.
2.停电或因其它事故突然停车,先切断电源,抽出放料挡板, 用人力反转大皮带轮,使心轴反转时退出料胚,立即将榨螺轴推出榨膛(当人力反转大轮困难时,不得强制进行.以免损坏机器),进行清理.若抽不出来,应将压榨螺母松动,要把上榨笼拆钓,用螺丝刀逐个将圆排松动,清理,未经清理不得再行开车.
4.3 stopping
4.3.1 Repeatedly move screw forwards and backwards for several times and let all material resided in the chamber goes out and adjust the cake to the possible thinnest, then stop the machine.
4.3.2 When machine stops caused by any accident, power supply must be shut down first, then rotate large pulley manually backwards, let the material return out. Then pull out the shaft and clean it. In the case the shaft could not be pulled out, remove the upper case and loose lock nut, separate round plates and clean them one by one.
旋转榨螺轴,将榨螺 从榨膛内抽出,然后用直径24毫米粗的铁棒插入出饼端压紧螺母的孔内,逆时针方向旋转松动螺母:松动上榨笼两端4个M16的连结螺钉,卸掉连结上下榨笼的12个M16的螺栓,拆去上榨笼即可将圆排圈取出。
5. Maintenance and Assembly/disassembly of Main parts
5.1 Assembly/disassembly of Main parts
5.1.1 Pressing cage (round plates, square rods holder)
Rotate the screw shaft and remove it from the chamber. Loose the lock nut on the outlet end by rotating it counter-clock wise using a 24 mm diameter bar, loose four M14bolts, remove ten M16 bolts which are used to connect upper and lower cases. However, after removing upper case, round plates and square rods holder can be pulled out.
5.1.2 Remove square rods:
After removing the holder, tap the end of one rod and take it out, then others will be easily removed.
5.1.3 Assembly of rods:
Erect the rod holder vertically and make its side with oil grooves locate downwards, better on a wooden plate, then put square rods to touch holders inner wall circumferentially with their grooves downwards again. However, grooves of every two adjacent rods should not be touched. Then insert shins (by a hammer) properly into rods gap to let than firmly touch rods holders inner wall. As a matter of fact, whole inner wall of rods should be smooth.
5.1.4 Assembly of the cage:
Put the groove side of rod the holder to face the machine body, and then insert round plates as per marks on them. Put lock nuts on to contact plates and then mount the upper case. Tighten bolts one by one.