DCS Dstributed Central Control System
我们的DCS系统方案涵盖品牌Our DCS system program covers the world famous brands
西门子PCS 7系统是无缝集成的自动化解决方案。可以应用于所有工业领域,包括过程工业,制造工业,混合工业以及工业所涉及的所有制造和过程自动化产品。
西门子SIMATIC PCS7是具有系统特性和可升级结构的通用过程控制系统,它将灵活的模块化冗余技术以及统一的数据管理、通讯和组态等强大的性能组合在一起,是以经济、高效的方式组建和运行控制技术工厂的理想基础。
西门子SIMATIC PCS7还具有常规过程控制系统所不具备的优点。它具有灵活的系统结构,可以随时根据要求通过无缝集成附加功能的方式扩展控制技术功能,例如可用于批次过程自动化、物料传送控制、资产管理、安全应用、过程数据分析/管理或MES任务。
SIEMENS SIMATIC PCS7 system is excellent and unique properties of system can upgrade the structure of general process control system, it will be the combination of flexible performance of redundancy module and data management, unified communications and other powerful configuration together, is to set up an economic and efficient operation mode and ideal foundation control technology factory.
SIEMENS SIMATIC PCS7 system also has the advantages of conventional process control system does not have. It has flexible structure, can at any time according to requirements through the seamless integration of additional function extension control function, for example can be used for batch process automation, material transfer control, asset management, security applications, data analysis / management or MES task.
Cinau Environmental Technology can provide you with a variety of DCS based Siemens technology solutions
ABB 800xA/Freelance 900F控制系统
ABB 800xA/Freelance 900F Control System
ABB 800xA系统将过程、电气、安全及通讯等无缝集成到一个统一的自动化平台, 并提供符合人体工程学的操作员平台及高效的操作员控制室,提升企业的生产效率。
ABB 800xA系统不仅适用于ABB的全线自动化产品,也能集成其他制造商的全线自动化产品及系统,尤其是那些虽尚未停止使用,但基于他们的操作系统已经不再被支持的产品。800xA提供的系统集成工具和特色服务可以帮助客户轻松灵活地应用的控制技术,持续优化运营。
ABB 800xA system integrates process, electrical, security and communication into a unified automation platform, And provide ergonomic operator platform and efficient operator control room to maximize the production efficiency of enterprises
ABB 800xA system is not only suitable for ABB's automation products,Can also integrate other manufacturers of automation products and systems,Especially those that have not yet stopped, but are not supported on the basis of their operating system. 800xA provides system integration tools and features to help customers easily and flexibly apply the latest control technology, continuous optimization of operations.
Cinau Environmental Technology can provide you with a variety of DCS based ABB technology solutions
施耐德电气 PlantStruxure™ PES 控制系统
Schneider Electric PlantStruxure™ PES Control System
PlantStruxure™ PES 系统是施耐德电气推出的新一代分布式控制系统(DCS),通过融合离散控制系统的灵活性和开放性及过程控制系统的高度集成和强大诊断功能。在完成生产过程优 化的同时,也实现了能源管理的整合
l PlantStruxure™ PES产品整合了能源管理特性,使工厂实现更大价值。
l 无缝整合的系统可以保证从设计到生产运行时的效率,现场设计师可以进行更快和更加精确的配置;操作工对过程控制信息及数据了如指掌,从而对生产过程明察秋毫,进而优化控制;维护工程师可以更快的分析和解决过程控制系统遇到的问题,减少系统宕机时间。
l PlantStruxure™ PES可以帮助您在正确的时间做出正确的决定,增加工厂正常运行时间,进而扩大整个企业的产能。
PlantStruxure PES (Process Expert System) is the new, innovative process automation system from Schneider Electric.
By bringing together the best of the PLC/SCADA and DCS worlds, it meets the demands of today’s production facilities and delivers on growing energy management requirements.
Tight integration of the system ensures efficiency from design engineering through to operation – your engineers can develop the configuration faster and more accurately, your operators have all your data at their fingertips for better insight and to optimise the process, and your maintenance teams can diagnose and solve problems faster to avoid and reduce the downtime of your facility.
PlantStruxure PES helps you make the right decisions at the right time…which leads to increased uptime for the whole plant and directly impacts your bottom line.
Cinau Environmental Technology can provide you with a variety of DCS based Schneider Electric technology solutions
Rockwell automation's ControlLogix control system uses a common control engine with a common development environment that provides high performance in an easy to use environment. The close integration of programming software, controller and I/O module shortens the development time and reduces the cost of debugging and normal operation. You can perform standard and security controls in the same chassis for a truly integrated system. Use high availability and extreme environmental capabilities to meet your application needs.
Rockwell automation provides a complete set of machine control solutions from economical and practical components to highly integrated systems. These easy to implement solutions can help you reduce the time to market and reduce the overall cost of design, development, delivery and commissioning.
Cinau Environmental Technology can provide you with a variety of DCS based ROCKWELL technology solutions